Peter Moyo: Carrying the Utakataka Express Legacy Forward

Peter Moyo, fondly known as the "Young Igwe," is a name synonymous with Zimbabwean music. 

The son of the legendary Tongai Moyo, Peter has carved his own path in the music industry, keeping his father's legacy alive while establishing his unique artistic identity. This biography explores Peter's journey, from his early life to his rise as a prominent musician, navigating both triumphs and controversies.

Early Life and Education:

Born in 1988, Peter Moyo received his primary education at Kwekwe Primary School before attending Chaplin High School for his secondary education. While details of his early life remain private, it's understood that music was a constant presence. Witnessing his father's success with Utakataka Express likely sparked a passion for music that would later define his career.

Taking the Stage: From Apprentice to Leader

Thrust into the spotlight following his father's passing in 2011, Peter initially faced criticism for his unrefined vocals. However, his determination shone through as he sought guidance from gospel singer Charles Charamba, honing his skills and showcasing a relentless desire to learn.

Despite the challenges, Peter's ambition was undeniable. He began performing with Utakataka Express after his father's illness, displaying a proficiency on both rhythm and lead guitars within weeks. Soon, he was sharing the stage with established musicians like Oliver Mtukudzi and Alick Macheso, captivating audiences with his renditions of his father's beloved songs. 
Peter Moyo: Carrying the Utakataka Express Legacy Forward
Peter Moyo: Carrying the Utakataka Express Legacy Forward
Here, Peter's stage presence blossomed. He inherited his father's captivating energy, captivating audiences with his own interpretations of classic Utakataka Express hits.

Stepping Out of the Shadow and Building a Legacy

In 2013, Peter released his debut album, "Mushonga Mukuru," marking a significant step out of his father's shadow. The album garnered widespread attention, selling for a staggering US$5000 at its launch, a testament to the anticipation surrounding his musical journey. "Mushonga Mukuru" established Peter as a force to be reckoned with, proving his ability to carry the torch while infusing his own style and talent. The album showcased Peter's songwriting abilities, with tracks that resonated with fans while remaining true to the signature Utakataka Express sound.

Facing Setbacks and Controversy

Peter's career wasn't without its challenges. He faced band member departures in 2013, a near-disastrous accident involving the band, and public controversies surrounding his family and professional conduct. Reports of missed performances and clashes with fellow musicians cast a shadow on his rising stardom. However, Peter persevered, rebuilding his band and continuing to release music.


  • Mushonga Mukuru (2013)
  • Mopao Mokonzi (2017)

Love Life and Family

Peter's personal life has also been a topic of interest. In 2020, he married Caroline Makamache, a resident of Texas, USA, and founder of the Rutendo Hope Foundation. Makamache's philanthropic work has garnered respect, and together they represent a young couple dedicated to both music and social causes.

A Legacy in Progress

Peter Moyo's story is one of dedication, resilience, and artistic evolution. He has faced criticism and overcome obstacles, all while striving to honor his father's legacy. As he continues to write his own musical story, Peter Moyo remains a compelling figure in the Zimbabwean music scene, keeping the Utakataka Express sound alive for a new generation. His influence extends beyond music, with his dedication to his craft inspiring aspiring musicians across Zimbabwe. 

One can only anticipate the creative heights Peter will reach in the years to come, forever etching his name in the rich tapestry of Zimbabwean music.

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