Mike Chimombe Accuses Wicknell Chivayo and SA Partner of US$40 Million ZEC Deal Fraud!

Mike Chimombe is alleging a major fraud involving a US$40 million contract awarded to a South African company, REN-Form, for the supply of biometric voter registration kits and other electoral materials during the August 2023 elections in Zimbabwe. 

Chimombe, along with his company Better Brands, claims to have been sidelined and defrauded by REN-Form and their partner, Wicknell Chivayo, in the lucrative deal.

A Partnership Turned Sour:

Better Brands, owned by Mike Chimombe, Scott Sakupwanya, and Moses Mpofu, initially partnered with REN-Form for the ZEC contract. The agreement stipulated that neither party would involve a third party without mutual consent. However, Chimombe alleges that REN-Form, in collusion with Wicknell Chivayo, unilaterally changed the contract to favor Chivayo's company, Intratek, excluding Better Brands from the deal.

Allegations of Contract Manipulation and Price Inflation:

Chimombe and Mpofu, in a scathing letter to REN-Form, accuse the South African company of breaching the agreement and manipulating the contract to enrich themselves and Wicknell Chivayo. 
Mike Chimombe Accuses Wicknell Chivayo and SA Partner of US$40 Million ZEC Deal Fraud!
Mike Chimombe Accuses Wicknell Chivayo and SA Partner of US$40 Million ZEC Deal Fraud!
They allege that REN-Form inflated prices on the contract, significantly overcharging the Zimbabwean government. For example, they claim that a quotation for US$2,673,360 was inflated to US$8,964,603, a 235% increase.

Money Laundering Accusations:

Chimombe and Mpofu further claim that REN-Form, after receiving payments from the Zimbabwean government, immediately transferred over 66% of the money to Chivayo's Intratek accounts. They allege this constitutes money laundering, citing violations of both South African and international laws.

Wicknell Chivayo's Spending Spree:

Chimombe and Mpofu accuse Wicknell Chivayo of using the funds to purchase cars and donate to individuals across Zimbabwe, while failing to pay Better Brands the agreed-upon commission. They claim that Chivayo is misleading people by claiming he is sharing the money with government officials, including the President.

Better Brands Demands Justice:

Better Brands, armed with evidence of the alleged fraud, is demanding a 25% share of the money paid to Wicknell and has requested a meeting with REN-Form and Chivayo to resolve the impasse.

Implications and Concerns:

The accusations by Chimombe and Better Brands raise serious concerns about corruption and manipulation in government procurement processes, particularly in sensitive areas like elections. If proven, the alleged scheme could have significant implications for the integrity of Zimbabwean elections and public funds.

The Need for Transparency and Accountability:

This incident highlights the urgent need for transparency and accountability in public procurement. It is imperative that the Zimbabwean government thoroughly investigate these allegations to ensure that public funds are not being misused and that the integrity of government processes is upheld. 

Furthermore, it raises questions about the role of Wicknell Chivayo in Zimbabwean business and politics, given his history of controversy and alleged involvement in fraudulent activities.

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