Scott Sakupwanya Biography: From Humble Beginnings to Gold Mining Mogul!

Scott Sakupwanya, often referred to as Scott Kupa, is a prominent Zimbabwean entrepreneur, businessman, and ZANU-PF politician. 

Born in 1979 and raised in the Mabvuku ghetto, Sakupwanya's early life was marked by hardship. He faced academic challenges, dropping out of school in Form 2 after failing his Grade 7 exams.

Early Career: Finding Opportunity in Adversity

Sakupwanya's entrepreneurial spirit emerged early, as he took on various odd jobs, including selling sweets, playing football, and working as a garden boy. It was during this period that his interest in gold buying blossomed, inspired by his employer, the Macmillan family, known for their involvement in the gold trade.

Building a Gold Empire: From Small-Scale Trader to Major Buyer

With the support of Dr. Philip Chiyangwa, Sakupwanya established his own gold-buying business, steadily expanding it from small-scale operations to becoming the largest single gold buyer for Fidelity Printers and Refineries in Zimbabwe. He employs over 4,000 artisanal miners, driving the growth of his business over the years.

Diversification and Business Ventures

Sakupwanya's entrepreneurial ventures extend beyond gold. He founded Better Brands Jewellery, which eventually became the largest gold-buying company in Zimbabwe. 
Scott Sakupwanya Biography: From Humble Beginnings to Gold Mining Mogul
Scott Sakupwanya Biography: From Humble Beginnings to Gold Mining Mogul
He further diversified into borehole drilling, winning contracts worth millions of dollars, and established Better Brands Construction, currently developing cluster houses.

Collaboration with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

Sakupwanya's business breakthrough came with his collaboration with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe under Dr. Gideon Gono's leadership. During a period of Western sanctions, Sakupwanya played a crucial role in supporting the Zimbabwean economy by utilizing its own resources.

Media Shy and Humble Lifestyle

Despite his wealth and success, Sakupwanya maintains a humble and media-shy persona. He prefers to let his work speak for itself, opting for modest vehicles and a low-key lifestyle. However, his youthful energy is reflected in his trendy designer clothing choices.

Controversies and Public Scrutiny

In 2020, Sakupwanya found himself at the center of controversy when photos of him posing with a significant amount of cash and gold went viral on social media. He denied any wrongdoing, emphasizing his legitimate gold buying activities, his ownership of gold mines, and his network of artisanal miners. He also asserted that he sells his gold to Fidelity Printers and Refineries and has never smuggled gold outside the country.

Political Aspirations and ZANU-PF Affiliation

Sakupwanya is open about his links to Zimbabwe's ruling party, ZANU-PF, and has expressed his ambition to represent the party in parliament.

Scott Sakupwanya's journey from humble beginnings to gold mining mogul is a compelling story of resilience, determination, and entrepreneurial acumen. His rise to prominence, coupled with his political aspirations and public controversies, continue to make him a prominent figure in Zimbabwe's economic and political landscape.

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