Bulawayo Hospitals Get Solar Power Boost, Leading the Way in Green Healthcare

Bulawayo - In a significant development for the city's healthcare sector, Mpilo Central Hospital and the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) have been equipped with 350-kilowatt solar power systems. 

This initiative, spearheaded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Zimbabwean government, aims to ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical medical services.

Reliable Power for Life-Saving Care

Previously hampered by frequent power outages, Mpilo and UBH can now rely on a consistent and dependable source of energy. This not only safeguards patient care but also minimizes disruptions to essential medical equipment. 

Trust Mushawarima, acting clinical director of UBH, expressed his appreciation for the project, highlighting its importance in maintaining the smooth functioning of the hospitals.

Beyond Sustainability: Cost Savings and Potential

The solar power installations offer a dual benefit. While guaranteeing a steady power supply, the system also allows the hospitals to contribute excess energy back to the national grid, leading to long-term cost reductions.
Bulawayo Hospitals Get Solar Power Boost, Leading the Way in Green Healthcare
Bulawayo Hospitals Get Solar Power Boost, Leading the Way in Green Healthcare
This innovative approach positions Bulawayo at the forefront of sustainable healthcare practices in Zimbabwe.

Scaling Up Renewables: 19 Clinics Already Powered by Solar

The project extends beyond Mpilo and UBH. The tour revealed that 19 local council clinics have already adopted solar energy solutions. Ayodele Odusola, the UNDP resident representative, commended the partnership with the Ministry of Health and Child Care. He further emphasized Zimbabwe's potential to become a leader in renewable energy, citing the country's vast lithium resources, a key component in solar energy storage.

Waste Management Revolution: Mpilo to Lead Regional Efforts

In another positive development, Mpilo Hospital announced the nearing completion of one of the largest waste management plants in the region. This state-of-the-art facility is poised to revolutionize waste management practices not just in Bulawayo, but across surrounding areas. With the capacity to handle waste from beyond city limits, the plant addresses a broader national challenge.

Joel Charangwa, Mpilo's director of operations, emphasized the project's significance in tackling Zimbabwe's waste management issues.

Bulawayo's healthcare sector is experiencing a wave of positive change. The implementation of solar power systems and the construction of a large-scale waste management plant demonstrate the city's commitment to providing sustainable and efficient healthcare services, not only for its own residents but for the entire region.

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